Friday, May 20, 2011

End of the world

Woohoo! According to some tomorrow is the end of the world, which makes me wonder what to wear? I can't show up with torn jeans, dirty boots and a tshirt, can I?

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Another general rant with no direction

You know a persons car says a lot about themselves, the color tell people a lot about your personality, the general condition also says a lot. Some people get mad when I tell them people with white cars don't have any personality and people with silver cars are just plain the coolest there is, but it's not my fault it's all true?

I think the same can be said for one mobile phone, only sometimes you get people who don't want the newest, bestest iPhone or blackberry, just for the plain fact that EVERYBODY has one these days.

Anyway, just felt like I should share that with everybody.... Maybe one of these days I'll actually have something to write about, but till then, try not to catch the flu.